Resurrection Chapel - Biñan
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Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses - Biñan
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Address: Biñan, Philippines
Faith Fellowship Biñan
Places Of WorshipApproximately 0.42 KM away
Address: 184, Biñan, 4024 Laguna, Philippines
Word for the World Christian Fellowship Binan
Places Of Worship | ChurchesApproximately 0.71 KM away
Address: National Hwy, Biñan, Philippines
Biyaya Ng Diyos Christian Fellowship Binan, Laguna
Places Of WorshipApproximately 0.76 KM away
Address: 2nd Floor C.M. Morales Mall Barangay Sto. Nino, City of Binan, Laguna 4024, Philippines